Software : Information Management ![RSS Feed](images/feed.gif)
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Alliance GroupAlliance are authors of Records Management and Document Management systems and suppliers of Wang/Kodak Imaging for Windows.
Blue Ridge SoftwareAffordable, feature-rich, flexible and intuitive Interface. Contract Management Software rolled into easy-to use tools to help save time, money and reduce risk.
Column Case InvestigativeColumn Case Investigative assists businesses and government organizations with case management software solutions.
Coveo Enterprise SearchAccess the precise information you need within seconds, when you need it, regardless of where it's stored. Get a complete, unified view of the critical information located across the organization.
Digital Documents LLCA document scanning and imaging company that guarantees lowest cost, highest quality document conversion services.
DMTI SpatialProducers of location intelligence data management software solutions for converting a customer address database into useful marketing information. Use geospatial and GIS data to your advantage.
Eagle Globe SoftwareGlobal Mapper GIS mapping software that supports popular data formats to let you view, convert, digitize, edit and print vector, raster and elevation datasets with a free download trial.
eDocsOnline: Secure Online StorageSecure online storage and document management system for businesses and individuals. Everything from online file storage to document sharing. Free online storage test drive.
Field Service Management -Field EngineerField Engineer is the leading provider of field service software dedicated to the White and Brown goods industry.
I-NavigationA powerful tool for collecting, organizing and sharing information. It will help you to intuitively visualize and navigate your daily information flow.
InvestTech Financial Asset and Systems ConsultingSpecializing in investment management software systems and data management solutions. Having managed over 300 engagements for leading money management firms.
KEMP TechnologiesLeader in affordable load balancing, SSL Acceleration and Internet Traffic Management appliances.
LookOut Software Inc.A Web Based CRM Softrware Solution for Distributed Organizations and Virtual Teams.
MCO - Document Imaging SolutionsAuthorized Kodak document conversion center,KIP wide format dealer and Digitech Systems software reseller. Document scanning and conversion is also available.
MedNet SolutionsA premier provider of Web-based technologies designed to effectively manage clinical trials and registries.
MerusWareA software company developing full-featured, intuitive, and inexpensive software to meet the needs of those practicing law.
- - Visual Mind Mapping SoftwareMindMapper is a proven visual mind mapping software tool for organizing thoughts visually.
Needles Case Management SoftwareCase management software by Needleslaw provides customizable law firm case management solutions: calendaring, accounting, and legal time billing for lawyers and law office staff.
NovaMind Mind Mapping SoftwareMind Maps improve productivity, learning and communication. Use NovaMind Mind Mapping for visual lesson plans, business and project planning and management, presentations and problem solving.
School Administration Software -- Modular Management System by Computer Resources, LLCAffordable and scalable school administration software including biographical, attendance, discipline, scheduling, grade reporting, fee tracking and health packages.