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1 - 13 of 13 entries.
*nix Unix Documentation ProjectFree Unix/Linux (*.nix) online fulltext searchable documentation for unix like operating systems.
Atlanta Audio ConsultantsSpecializing in custom home theater design and installation, home automation, and home audio and video. Serving the Metro Atlanta area since 1997.
Audio Visual Installations from Full SpectrumUK-based professional home automation service. Full Spectrum seamlessly integrate audio visual, intelligent lighting and security systems to provide elegant, bespoke home automation systems.
Babani BooksBabani books are publishers of books on computing and electronics which present the latest information for beginners and advanced users at an affordable price.
CSS DeveloperContact to develop a tailored CSS strategy for the front end of your website. Paul, the man behind this business is a leading CSS expert and CSS developer.
Lime GreenProviders of state of the art home automation solutions, including home cinema, a full range of multi-room systems, audio visual products and home networking.
PIWA - Online Shop for Automatic SystemsGrage door openers and accessories such as radio transmitter, radio reiceiver, code switch. light barriers.
SerReg Home ControllerA small home controller based on PIC 16F873A ,intended to turn your personal computer into a process control / data collection system.
TechHomes - Find Smart HomesFrom home theaters & home automation to smart home communities, find your smart house and tech home builder at
The Big PictureHome entertainment & lighting solutions. Custom installation specialists of Linn products.
Total IT - Biometric Systems, NComputing & ServersTotal IT is authorized distributor dealer and importer of I.T hardware like NComputing thin client, IBM, HP, Lenovo, Dell servers, Biometric fingerprint readers and face recognition devices.
TV Lifts by Nexus 21Provides TV lifts, Pop Up TVs, and Hidden TVs to AV pros, cabinet makers and interior designers. Every Nexus 21 TV lift comes with free standard shipping and a 5 year money back guarantee.
vivint Security and Home AutomationReviews of the home automation, solar and security company vivint in Provo Utah.