Genealogy : Resources 
1 - 20 of 25 entries.
GeneaSearchFree genealogy lookups, online data, and links to online resources.
WebGenGuide Genealogy Research DirectoryGenealogy & Family Tree research directory, including census, cemetaries, databases, archives, surname search, births, deaths and marriages.
Benson GenealogyEnglish and Welsh ancestry research service. Helping you to trace your family tree.
Celtic GenealogyA searchable database of Celtic ancestors from Scotland to Canada. Families from Cape Breton NS and Prince Edward Island.
eXpert Genealogy Directory of ProfessionalsDirectory of Genealogy Professionals and Services organized by research specialty and geography.
Family History South AustraliaFree searchable databases of shipping passenger lists, marriages and deaths are provided. Categorized worldwide and local genealogy resources are listed including South Australian family trees.
Familytraits research Services.Proffesional genealogical research services UK. Trace your ancestry. Order a family tree starter pack. Find that elusive census return. Parish records searched in Scotland and Northumberland.
FindersProbate genealogy services for lawyers searching for missing heirs. Find missing and unknown beneficiaries with specialist international genealogy research services.
findmypast - UK family history and genealogy resourceUK records include births, marriages and deaths from 1837 onwards, censuses, parish records but also others. Transcription and search accuracy a forte. Also includes a family tree builder.
Genealogy FreelancersAn affordable way to connect to a genealogist, researcher, translator or any genealogy professional in any country. Post your project, compare your bids and choose your specialist.
Genealogy Search AustraliaThe Australian genealogy search engine and directory.
GenealogyBuff.comA free genealogy resource with a large collection of obituaries, vital records, research tools and discussion forums.
Lynx 2 Ulster GenealogyUlster Scots/ Scotch Irish historical website. Useful to Genealogists. Contains surname searches, family townlands in Ulster as well as a huge amount of interesting historical information.
- Family Tree ResearchProfessional genealogists help clients find long-lost cousins, family trees, and original records worldwide.
National Hall of RecordsArchives obituaries and memorials for future generations.
Parish ChestOnline family history store where you can purchase just about everything to help you trace your ancestry.
Preserve Your Family HistoryOnline Genealogy store,selling products to create a family heritage album,as well as charts, how-to books and helpful information and links to start your family tree.
ProGenealogists, Salt Lake City UtahA skilled professional genealogist group conducting international genealogy research at the Family History Library in Utah.
SoutheasternRootsSearching for that elusive ancestor? SoutheasternRoots offers research assistance, including a free consultation and analysis, in the states of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.
Surname SourcesIrish and British genealogy research. Ideal for unusual surnames and one name studies. Reasonable rates and friendly service.