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1 - 5 of 5 entries.
DrashDrash provides deployable medical treatment facilities. Its design integrates shelter, mobility, lighting, heating, cooling and power distribution in one package to form total infrastructure solution.
Hand in HandAn Indian NGO dedicated to the development of disadvantaged groups, and especially rural and tribal families, through SHGs, microfinance and education.
- - Consumer ComplaintsUsers can post anonymous consumer complaints online. Attach audio, video or images to complaints. Complaints are visible to others.
Light America SpiritA call to awaken to the growing danger to the foundations of democracy in America, and to stand aligned with the forces of light so that America's heritage and destiny can be preserved and protected.
Scared of SchoolSupport site for kids and teens who have experienced school phobia/a fear of going to school due to bullying, peer pressure and various other reasons. Parents of sufferers welcome too.