Clubs & Organizations : Social 
1 - 4 of 4 entries.
Couples Metro DallasCouples Metro Dallas is a social group of gay and lesbian couples, designed to reinforce the value of committed same-gender relationships, through social activities.
Join a clubYou can find a local book club, promote your gig, practice your Spanish, join a dog-sitting group, team up with a sports partner, or even create your own club and it's all free.
Wellingborough Orpheus ChoirThe Wellingborough Orpheus Choir is a mixed choir of some 40 voices. They give several concerts each year and the repertoire includes major choral works and light music.
Women's Opportunities Resource Center of Greater Philadelphia.Start your own business, Job training. Financial independence fordisadvantaged women and their families. Supportive environment. " WORC works" Greater Philadelphia.