Forums and Communities : Health & Fitness 
1 - 12 of 12 entries.
A Pinch of HealthAn Australian based online community that offers resources & support on areas such as diet, health, low carb, organics, parenting, recipes & weight loss.
Active Health ArenaForums on a wide variety of health topics. Free membership.
alldeaf - Deaf Chat ForumsPopular, free online forum for deaf and hard of hearing. Categories include deaf life and issues, as well as general topics.
eMediNews - Medical Forum for AllMedical forum for the public, health professionals and students. Get latest health-related news here. Join here for discussion on health issues.
Free Online HealthProvides free information on health and weight loss. Visit the discussion boards and have all questions answered.
Laser Hair Removal ForumHair removal information, community forums, and a local doctor finder.
Physiotherapy ForumA forum where you can see articles and talk with other people interested in physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
Podiatry ArenaForum for discussion between podiatrists and other foot health professionls.
SpinalNetUK based spinal cord research resource base, providing information on Spinal Cord Injury, including support, rehabilitation and treatment.
The NetworkA free Nursing community where nurses & nursing students can meet others in the field through networking tools such as blog, event listing, chat, forum, groups, calendar and classifieds.
WeightlossBanter Diet & Support ForumSupport topics covered include low calorie diets, low carbohydrate diets, Weightwatchers and others.
- - Nursing Informatics' Online CommunityAn online community for nursing informatics and healthcare informatics professionals. Discussion, articles, job postings, news, and more!