Writers : Poetry 
1 - 10 of 10 entries.
D.A.Dames Love Poetry DirectoryLove poems and more at the island love poetry domain. Be wooed at Bahamas woo site and enjoy. D.A.Dames Love poetry index of love poems for lovers committed to the goodness of loving.http://www.dennisdames.net/Love_Poetry/Love_Poems.html
Dark Gothic Poetry - Sad PoemsDark Gothic Poetry by SorrowMan. Sad and dark poems expressing pain and darkness life sometimes has.http://www.sorrowman.org/dark-poetry/
Eric's Poetic CornerThis is a website of poetry, poems, and a few proverbs thrown in for good measure. All are written by myself I hope you like them!http://www.angelfire.com/poetry/byeric/
Inspiring PoemsImmerse yourself into the world's classic all time inspirational and comforting poetry. Read and listen to these captivating words for a truly rewarding experience.http://www.inspiring-poems.com
Jana Justice - Keeping site of Poetic Justice.Free poetry, poems and Christian inspirational poetry.http://www.janajustice.com/
JoeDuvernay.comJoseph Duvernay's Poetry Page Where Art, Philosophy, Science and Ecology Meet.http://www.joeduvernay.com
Peggy ShumakerPoet, author, and teacher. Read sample poems, order books, view publications and learn about upcoming events and news.http://www.peggyshumaker.com
Pinkpoem - Initiating Changes Through Inspirational PoemsFeatures inspirational poems by famous English poets. Uplift yourself with these timeless inspirational poems.http://www.pinkpoem.com
Poetry XPoetry X: Poetry analysis, archive, articles, contest, e-books, features, forums, magazine, submissions - all things poetryhttp://poetryx.com
Utmost Christian Writers FoundationVarious poetry contests for Christian poets, as well as numerous articles and other resources for poets and writers.http://www.utmostchristianwriters.com