Sculpture : Metal 
1 - 4 of 4 entries.
Iron Wire Sculptures by David VanorbeekMetal sculptures in the shape of insects made from iron wire recuperated from the vineyards. Site is in En, Fr and Nl. Today David is more into abstract and monumental art.
James Hill SculptureCreator of contemporary steel and stainless steel sculpture, as well as, large scale outdoor and public sculpture. Most are abstract or abstracted figurative.
Robert Lorenson, SculptorInformative and photographic sculpture site for internationally recognized large scale sculptor Rob Lorenson. He works primarily in stainless steel.
Rocio Heredia, Artist Metalsmith. Chasing and Repousse in Metal ArtsSpecializes in traditional sculpting techniques of Chasing and Repousse in high relief to raise intricate designs on silver, gold, copper, tin and brass.