
Web Directory / How to Publish News

Publishing News to World Site Index

Live News BetaSites listed within World Site Index web directory have the option to push news for publication within the directory, this news can be pushed live as it happens.

Note: Before you start pushing news please read our terms as by pushing news or announcements you acknowledge you have read and agree to abide by these terms. Abuse will not be tolerated and will result in removal of all the abusers content and listings.

To get started your site must be listed within the directory you can locate your listing by searching on it's domain name in quotes e.g. to find the listing for http://www.tolranet.co.uk search with:


If your site isn't listed within the directory then you will need to find the most appropriate category and submit your site. If your site is accepted then you can return here and continue.

Now you have located your listing click the "More/Report/Modify" link and then click the "Modify Listing" link.

When prompted for the password enter the password you used when submitting the listing and then click "Generate Key", this will generate an access key which you will need to use each time you push a news item so note it in a safe place. If you don't know the password then you should perform a password reset and use the password that is emailed to you.

To make it easy for you to publish news items we've provided a simple form for you to complete, visit news publication form.

We have also provided a simple PHP script that you can download and run on your own site:

  • Download the zip archive
  • Uncompress it
  • Upload it to your web space
  • The form will be at http://www.yourdomain.com/pushlivenews/pushlivenews.php

When you access the form you will be prompted for various pieces of information:

  • Listed Domain: This is the domain of the listed site and will be automatically filled with the domain that the form is hosted on.
  • Access Key: This is the 32 character key you created earlier on the modify listing form.
  • Tag: A tag to classify your news item by, you must select the most appropriate from the available list.
  • Title: The title of your news item and will also be the link to the full story. This should be descriptive and may be up to 64 characters long. Spamming this field will result in complete removal of your content and ALL listings.
  • URL: The URL to send visitors to for more information on the news story, this is usually a page on your site.
  • Story: The text for the news story, this may be up to 400 characters long and must be written in English in a comprehensible fashion. Spamming this field will result in complete removal of your content and ALL listings.

Once you have completed all the fields you should verify all the information is correct and then once satisfied click "Post News Item".

Your news items will then be sent to World Site Index for publication, any errors will be reported to you. If success is reported then your news item will be immediately visible on Word Site Index and at the bottom of the form you will be given the option to "Delete This News Item" clicking it will immediately remove your news item from World Site Index.

Note: You MUST NOT repeatedly push test news items to World Site Index, doing so will result in complete removal of your content and ALL listings.

You will be able to see your news item on the latest news page until more news items arrive pushing your item to one of the tag pages and then finally dropping it from the news list.


If you are an application developer and would like to find out more about pushing news content to our directory then please visit our community forums for the directory script.